Ask Risha
Q and A on Personal and Professional Development
by Risha Yorke
I answer questions about personal and professional development.
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I’ve been thinking about switching careers, but I don’t know where to start or if it’s a good idea. – K.W.
Given the season, it’s the perfect time to talk about rebirth, reinvention, and reincarnation. How often have we had moments in life where we felt painted into a corner? How often have we wished for another life, another job, a change in our relationship status, but felt resigned to the fact that we are where we are and that’s it? I don’t think there is one human on this planet that can’t relate to that feeling.
When considering a big shift, one that will change your lifestyle, I like to start by doing a self-discovery deep-dive. When we get very clear on our personal values, it allows us to make sure the choices we are making are aligned to what we value most. For instance, if passion is one of your top values, you want to make sure you are doing something you are passionate about, with someone who you are passionate about, or live somewhere you love with passion. Your values list is very personal, so take some time to really clarify it, because ultimately, your values define you.
Next, you want to make sure you have a handle on what your ideal lifestyle looks like. How much time do you want to spend working? How much money would you like to make? What are the most important things in your life, and will you have time for them? Your family? Your children? Your friends? Travel? Picture, in detail and without obstacles, the kind of life you wish to lead. How close are you to living that life? Will this change or shift bring you closer or farther away from it?
It’s important to ask yourself what is getting in the way of you making this change. Often, I meet people who have defined themselves through their roles before their values and this can cause a great deal of confusion. You are NOT your job. Just because you went to school for one thing, doesn’t mean you’ve assigned yourself a life sentence. You don’t have to give your career your entire focus, and it doesn’t have to define you. Sometimes a job is a means to the lifestyle you want. Decide if you are putting up obstacles out of fear or defining yourself by outside roles or expectations.
We have more control over our lives than we give ourselves credit for. Choices that we make are ours to make. It sounds simple, but being accountable to yourself for your life is a big step towards finding joy in it. You may complain that the world hasn’t given you what you need to get where you want, but you also have a great deal of influence in the matter. It may be terrifying to start anew, step outside your comfort zone or confront personal fears, but in doing so, you discover the things that light you up, bring opportunity and change your perspective. Don’t fear making the “wrong choice”, you can always correct the course.
It seems simple, but we all have the capacity to reimagine our lives and make the changes to get us closer to our ideal lifestyle. The power for change lies in our decisions. If you are true to yourself and make choices in line with your values, you are going to find success. So, take the leap, make a shift, reinvent yourself. Life is about experience. Choose your own adventure.
Unplug Wellness Retreat for Women
Local women work together to create innovative all-inclusive retreat for women at Bayview Wildwood Resort, June 7-9
Orillia, ON (March 19, 2024) – Risha Yorke, award-winning life coach, and Amy Scully, wellness event organizer, have come together to create a unique offering for women. Hosted at Bayview Wildwood resort on Sparrow Lake, roughly 90 mins north of the hustle and bustle of Toronto, they have created the Unplug Wellness Retreat for Women, June 7-9, 2024.
Unplug is an all inclusive two-night wellness retreat focused on prioritizing self-care, personal well-being and learning to create more peace in day-to-day life. A day retreat option on June 8th has also been offered for those who can only carve out a day to get away.
Curated by Yorke and Scully, this retreat offers an opportunity for personal development and an escape from the grind of work, home life and all other responsibilities.
“It’s designed to allow you to show up, drop your bags, and surrender to the weekend. Don’t make any more decisions. Decision fatigue is rampant, and we wanted to offer some relief.” says Yorke.
“We kept hearing the need for digital detox from women in the community. We are all so connected, and it is sensory overload. Unplug is built for you to connect to others by disconnecting from devices and everything else that is bringing stress into your life.” Says Scully, founder of wellness event group Mama Needs a Minute.
The retreat has been built with those hyper achievers in mind, who struggle with how to relax or take time for themselves. Women traditionally carry more workload (home and career) and suffer from overload more frequently as a result.
“It’s our goal to create an experience that will offer a long-lasting shift in perspective, and a rejuvenation that will be felt for weeks, months, even years to come.” says Yorke.
You can register for the event on