Gardening with Gail —by Gail McIlroy So, with all the snow we had in January this year it’s funny to be thinking about seeds and our gardens. I have researched more sites for us, and it appears there is a lot of differences from one site to another. From this research...
Gail McIlroy
Winter Seed Sowing, Overwintering Plants and Spring Garden Plans
Gardening with Gail —by Gail McIlroy There really is something magical about December and January! After Christmas, you can see the days are getting longer and most definitely brighter. You would be amazed by what there is do in terms of preparing for spring in the...
Memories of motherhood, swanky holiday parties and mishaps!
Holiday Memories —by Gail McIlroy Christmas was approaching, Toronto was lit up like fifth avenue in New York City, the Bay Street parties were in full swing. So, I sit here in awe of all the wonderful experiences in my life. Some great, some not so much. One bit of...
Readying the garden for winter, thanks for Thanksgiving
Gardening with Gail —by Gail McIlroyWell, it occurred to me even at this time of the year there are things that can be done both in the gardens and inside our indoor gardens in our homes. Here are a few tips to share with you. For the die-hard gardeners who are not...
Staying Involved, Active, Good for Mental and Physical Health
In The Moment Musings —by Gail McIlroyIt’s the idle hours that make people sick and often depressed anytime, but especially in holiday seasons. Sleep deprivation is also the enemy. Discipline really is the key. For people without family, it’s important to get...
Gardening (with Gail) Tips for Late Summer and Fall
Gardening with Gail —by Gail McIlroyWe have had an excellent summer in this part of Ontario. In June we experienced warmer temperatures than normal and added precipitation, which lasted well into July. August temps returned back to normal. I mention all of this...
Gardening with Gail: Summer Native Plants
Gardening with Gail Summer Native Plants and Their Care —by Gail McIlroy I think June and July are probably my favourite times of the year in the gardens.In June we can enjoy: Prairie smoke (Geranium maculatun), Bunchberry (Cornish canadensis), and Wild Geranium...
Gardening Gurus
Gardening with Gail by Gail McIlroy It’s funny as we look back over the last few months, I am thinking, did we really have winter? There was not a lot of covering from the snow. Have you noticed any difference with the perennial plants or shrubs? A favourite spring...
Gail’s Cancer Journey
Cancer Chemo Radiation and Healing The days are quieter now that treatments have finished. A time to relax, and heal, something my golden doodle does easily. While I was braving treatments he was learning and trying out different pieces of furniture that best suited...
Gail’s Cancer Journey
It Takes A Village (continued) Chemo Cancer and Coping Three weeks ago I ended my chemo treatments, and although totally drained I felt a sense of relief to have this part of the plan behind me. The staff at Soldiers Memorial Hospital are still close to my heart....