Carley Community Hall

— by Kelly Skinner-Meyer

I hope the summer was the summer you hoped it would be. The trees are already changing, and the autumnal evenings are cool and crisp. The Carley Community Hall has been the place to celebrate anniversaries, birthdays and wedding nuptials this summer. We always receive rave reviews on “what a special building and location this is”.  It is always nice to see the Hall through first time visitors’ eyes and I appreciate the 1912 one room schoolhouse even more.

The fall gardens are in full bloom and the new metal roof shines from the morning sun. I get a bird’s eye view, living next door. I also get to see all the comings and goings of our visitors. We are planning an “Open House “ for the Carley community. If you have never been in our Hall or just want to pop in and say hi, please drop in on Sunday, October 6 from 2 to 4 pm. 

The Hall has a group of dedicated volunteers, but we could always use more helping hands to keep our beautiful Hall in good shape. Please come by for our “old fashioned” social to meet and greet your neighbours old and new. We will have lemonade and goodies to enjoy.

Also, please mark on your calendars our annual Christmas Craft Sale, Saturday, November 2, from 10 am to 3 pm.

We are still looking for regular programs to run at the Hall, so if you wish to inquire about a space where you can showcase your talent and share it  with the community, contact us at Check out the Oro-Medonte Township website for the Parks and Recreation Fall Recreation guide. The Carley Hall is in the guide with cool fun-filled programs for kids on October 5 and October 26, go to the Oro-Medonte Township website for details.

More news in the Carley Valley! As I write this article, the trucks are beeping, and I hope that means they are paving the road between the 8th and 9th on the Warminster SdRd. We had a dirt road in front of the house for the most part of the summer.  It’s so funny how we have been spoiled with paved roads, no more dust and stones flying up. 

I remember growing up in Oro-Medonte when all the roads were dirt roads.  Hey I’m not that old, that was only about 40 years ago. Yikes maybe I am old! Let me just say, thank you Oro-Medonte for paving our road, today, I hope. Fingers crossed. 

Our farm has taken on some new family members, two pigs named George and Max, and our chicken family grew with three eggs hatching and more baby chicks to come.  We name all the chickens and we have three very funny roosters. I dub them “The Three Amigos”. They go everywhere together.  The handsome, proud, sweet rooster with the green and black plumage is named “Rocky” (from the movie Chicken Run), the singer, white and black is “Pavarotti”, he hits the high notes. And the not so nice one is “Dr. Evil”.  They provide the entertainment around the farm.

Well, that’s the news from the Carley Hall and the valley, until next time. Please enjoy the fall and keep an eye out for the Images Studio Tour signs!