Spring — April/May 2023


Thursday April 6 from 8 to 9:30 amWomen Helping Women Breakfast at Sheba Shrine, featuring NS life columnist Risha Yorke as keynote speaker. Tickets trellis.org/whwbreakfast. Proceeds to go towards Dress For Success Orillia/Barrie programming costs.April 7 to 9, all...

Coldwater and Area Studio Tour 2023

In 2002, the first Coldwater and Area Studio Tour took place. The tour was launched with a simple yellow brochure which featured the iconic rooster perched on a weather vane with the message “Follow the yellow weather vane signs to see incredible works of art.”...

Happy spring to all of us!

​​ Just like you might spring clean your house, or change up your décor, plant new flowers, or do some yardwork in the spring, we at North Simcoe life have also done some spring sprucing up. Look at our new look! We wanted to make sure you could all easily read each...