Eady News
—by Bonnie Smith
Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a good Christmas season and that you were able to get some time in for relaxing, enjoying time with family and friends, and that you also got to eat some of your favourite Christmas goodies along the way!
A huge thank you is extended to the folks in Coldwater and surrounding areas who organized and/or participated in the Santa Claus Parade. It was a beautiful winter evening with lots of snowbanks around for the kids to play and sit on while waiting for Santa to arrive. (Mother Nature had been very generous that week!) The floats were plentiful and beautifully decorated with lots of colourful lights, and the streets were lined not only with lovely decorations, but beautiful lights as well dispersed among the trees. Children and adults were lined up several deep along the street waiting in anticipation and excitement to see their favourite float or special visitor. Christmas spirit was definitely in the air. Congratulations to everyone involved in creating a great parade.
Thank you also to the Coldwater Lions Club for organizing another spectacular New Year’s Eve Fireworks Display at the Coldwater Fairgrounds. Wow! The skies above Coldwater were well illuminated at 10 p.m. to ring in the New Year, and the falling snow made the night perfect. Job well done!
Our nice late fall weather with “no snow” has turned into an old-fashioned winter in our part of the country this year. Snow, snow and more snow, and then more snow again! Welcome to winter everyone! I am sure that the skiers, snowmobilers, and anyone else who does winter activities are loving the weather we are having this year—there has been much more snow than in some recent past winters.
The Eady community was saddened to learn about the recent loss of another of its long-time residents, Peter Tinney, who passed away suddenly on January 2. Peter was born in Coldwater and remained in Coldwater through his younger years. When he and his wife, Joanne, were married, they built their home in Eady. Our condolences are extended to Joanne, their daughter Shawna, their son Mark (Melanie), along with their families. Peter was a quiet man, but he always supported and attended all events that were held at the Eady Community Hall. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him.
Some exciting events are being planned by the Eady Hall Board for community and neighbouring community residents in the upcoming months and we hope you will be able to join us!
On Sunday, March 30 the Eady Hall Board will be holding its second Fiddle Jam/Square Dance Fundraiser with proceeds going towards upkeep of our hall. Our first Fiddle Jam/Square Dance Fundraiser was held in September and it was a great afternoon of music and lots of dancing. The afternoon was led by Ralph and Sandy Price with Ralph calling a number of the square dances, and even throwing in some square dance teaching for those new to square dancing.
So come on out on March 30 for another afternoon of music, dancing and fun! Whether you are a newcomer to square dancing or have years of experience, you will be sure to enjoy yourself. The event will be held from 1:30 – 4:30 p.m. at Eady Community Hall, 73 Eady Station Road. Coffee/tea/water will be available.
Keep your eyes peeled around the community and on our Eady Hall Facebook page for information on our upcoming afternoon “Speaker Series” which is being planned for mid April/May (specific dates yet to be determined). A number of both local and outside speakers are being planned to bring a variety of topics which we hope will be of interest to you. Whether you live in our community of Eady or in one of our surrounding communities, we hope you will come and join us to hear these interesting presentations.
As a reminder, the Eady Community Hall is available for daily or weekly/ monthly recurring rentals. Our beautiful two storey hall equipped with a stage, microphone system, and warming kitchen facilities is a great venue for your baby/wedding shower, birthday or anniversary party that is too large for your home. It is also a great venue for teaching a class or hosting a workshop/program, holding a meeting or having a family potluck. Please contact eadycommunityhall@gmail.com for more information or to have a tour of our hall, or call Oro-Medonte Township at 705.487.2171, ext. 2133. We have very reasonable rates.
Over the next few months, our world will see a number of changes. The U.S. now has another President, Canada probably will be in the middle of an election for a new Prime Minister, tariffs will likely be in place between the US and Canada, and between Canada and the US, putting further strain on US Canadian relations, residents in California will begin their clean-up and recovery process after the devastating wildfires (which are still burning at time of this writing), and who knows what may be happening in both the Middle East and Europe. The next few months will be interesting times for sure.
Have a good winter and see you in the spring. And by the way, Happy Valentine’s Day!
—photo by Deb Halbot