Edgar/Clowes Community Updates
—by Patricia Shellswell
While I have not contributed for awhile it feels good to once again be part of North Simcoe life.
The end of December I had the misfortune to crack a bone which kept me housebound for over five weeks and took another seven weeks to feel completely recovered.
The amount of rain received this year must be playing havoc with the farming industry.
We held our second annual BBQ (in the rain again!) to raise funds for the hall. Thanks to everyone who participated. The hall is to remain a Township hall.
The hall is thriving with activities, board planned, user group planned, and rentals for social activities as well. The board must do a yearly business plan. Emphasis now appears to be programming in the halls by the respective boards.
If you are interested in any type of activity, please let a board member know and we will check on the feasibility.
June has been a busy month with a number of celebrations of life functions with related people in the Edgar/Clowes area.
A number of residents attended an event in memory of Norm MacLeod on June 1. Norm spent most of his life in Edgar village, later moving to Orillia. Sympathy to Ruth and family: Gerry, Sandra, Heather and Grant, and daughters Marcy and Christine.
On June 2 many attended the celebration of life for Steven Howell, at Edgar Hall. Steven grew up with my kids as backyard neighbours. He worked at local ski resorts and enjoyed our strawberry suppers. Sympathy is extended to his mom Ruth Ann and sisters Tracy, Lisa, and Angela.
Residents were shocked to hear of the sudden and unexpected death of Joe Cousins. Many friends and family attended his celebration of life on June 8. Sympathy to Darlene and family.
Condolences to Elaine Simpson and family on the death of Elaine’s mother, Marion MacLeod, a longtime resident of Rugby.
Congratulations to Dalyce Hutchinson on being named Citizen of the Year for Oro-Medonte. Dalyce is a longtime resident of the Edgar area. She has shared her many talents as a teacher and volunteer in Oro-Medonte.
If you have news, call Pat at 705-739-7579.