Jill Dunlop MPP

As MPP for Simcoe North, I am pleased to share some significant updates that will positively impact our communities.

Firstly, the province is increasing our support to community agencies and front-line services by providing over $4.7 million in funding to our region. This investment is aimed at strengthening the vital services that our community members rely on daily with funds helping local agencies expand their operations, improve service delivery, and ultimately better meet the needs of those they serve. From mental health support to housing services, this funding ensures that our community agencies have the resources they need to continue their crucial work.

In addition to bolstering community services, the province announced an investment of more than $201 million in postsecondary infrastructure, insuring publicly assisted colleges and universities have modern facilities, learning tools and equipment to ensure student develop the skills they need for success in the workforce.

Ontario is also taking steps to expand pathways for newcomers working in healthcare. Recognizing the valuable contributions that internationally trained healthcare professionals make to our healthcare system, we are removing barriers and simplifying the certification process, enabling more qualified newcomers to practice in their fields. This initiative not only addresses the shortage of healthcare professionals but also enriches our healthcare system with diverse talents and perspectives.

Lastly, I am excited to announce that Ontario is investing $15 million to support Seniors Active Living Centre programs across the province. These programs play a crucial role in promoting the health and well-being of our seniors by providing opportunities for social interaction, physical activity, and lifelong learning. The additional funding will allow these centres to expand their programs and services, ensuring that more seniors can benefit from them.

Our seniors have contributed so much to our society, and it is our responsibility to ensure they have access to the resources and activities that enhance their quality of life.

Thank you for your continued support and engagement. I hope the remainder of your summer is safe and memorable.