Hawkestone Happenings
and the Best Canada Day Party Around!

by Rebecca Rodgers

What a spring it has been at the Hawkestone Community Hall! Our Easter Egg Hunt was a riot of fun for kids and their families, thanks to our eager bunnies who organized the successful event. Besides the egg hunt, there was a magician, refreshments, photo booths, and plenty of opportunity for meeting and greeting neighbours and visitors. People are already excited to be a part of it next year!

In addition to our usual regular activities like pickleball, Cornhole, Family Sunday play group, mindful fitness, youth Zumba, pipe band and choir, we’ve had some great special events. The Hawkestone Gardeners held a hugely informative Seed Starting Workshop, the Barrie Singer/Songwriters Association held a concert, we had another Open Mic, a Speaking of Wildlife event, Euchre Night, Hawkestone Singers Concert, and several Sound Journey sessions. 

We are currently hosting YMCA Escape in the Landscape weekend sessions for our young people, and our adult sewing classes have been very well-received. By the time of publication, we will have held our annual Hall Garage Sale and Plant Sale. We are also in the process of developing a nature trail behind the Hall that should be ready soon.

Check out our website, www.hawkestone.org to find out more about our programming and special events.

And we’re getting jazzed for our upcoming Canada Day celebrations! Please plan on joining us on Monday, July 1st from 10 a.m. onwards. There will be vendors, food, entertainment, silent auction, children’s play area, and, of course, the parade at 1 p.m. Something for everyone!

Finally, a huge shout-out to the Hawkestone Hall Board of Directors. Under Linda Argent’s skilled hand, we have developed a comprehensive strategic plan to guide us into the future. We’re happy to share our vision statement: “We envision Hawkestone Community Hall as a vibrant and inclusive hub fostering a resilient community. We promote holistic well-being, value individual contributions, and celebrate diversity. Guided by respect and empathy, we strive for unity and cooperation. With the Hall as our cornerstone, we are committed to building a brighter future for all.”

Again, have a look at www.hawkestone.org to see the Strategic Plan. We’d be thrilled to get your input by taking the survey included in the document.  Or, email us anytime at hawkestonehall@gmail.com.

See you on July 1st in Hawkestone!

—photo by Deb Halbot