Digressions by D’reen

—by Doreen Uren Simmons

Hi guys: Guess why I just Googled the origin of the phrase Indian Summer. You’re right. I’m writing this in the middle of September, in gorgeous weather. As usual, Google gave a lot of information but not a lot of clarity. 1774 is the date of the first known use of the phrase. Okay. So? Another colonial construct? Feel free to let North Simcoe life know!  

In any event, this weather is a beautiful gift, possibly a description of the age some of us find ourselves at.

If this so far, seems like a lot of meandering instead of actual ‘news’, you’re probably right. Another symptom of age? Possibly. Life drifts along with an absence of anything that could be described as news. Daily shopping, a bit of gardening in good weather, weekly church the biggest social event, visits from family, TV in the evenings, sleep…disturbed more often than not, health monitoring. Actually, sounds good, eh? We are lucky and grateful.

One major event that I want to talk about is the celebration of life that that we had for my former husband, in August. Not large in numbers but very large in terms of love and laughter, His children, your editor being one of them, were in wonderful form and guests shared multiple stories, often hilarious, always full of love and admiration. We gathered in joy and gratitude for having been part of his life.

And now we begin another year of school for some, work for others, bracing ourselves for the weather challenges to come. In this instance, old age is a benefit: others get paid to do the shovelling!

Whatever happens. make your own sunshine to share with others. Blessings and love …D’reen

—photo by Deb Halbot

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December 2024/January 2025
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—photo by Deb Halbot