Random Samplings

by Caston

Over the years I’ve presented some art pieces under the title “Random Samplings” —with no context… no explanation… just some Random Strangeness that I’ve hoped would tickle a funny bone, raise and eyebrow, spark a thought… maybe even foster an artistic foray…

Often, I am so engrossed in preparation and laying out an issue (of NSlife) that I forgo my submission (yes, I know… I should prepare it ahead of time… but where’s the fun in that?) …This time I thought I would talk about process and explain some of the “randomness” of the Random Samplings.

Most weekdays I draw for 10 minutes. I just set a timer, put my pen (or pencil, or stylus) to paper (or tablet) —and start to draw. No pre-thought or planning – just GO. It’s an exercise in “stream of consciousness” art making. I never know what I’m going to get. I file the drawings and look through them when I’m in need of inspiration. The “practice” also allows me to explore and practice with a particular medium or tool (currently I’ve been using pen and ink – and honing my skills with dip pens… learning how to be less messy).

As part of my art process, I often employ methods which remove some of the control so that I am “creating by the seat of my pants”. Some examples:

  • Using a random generator to provide 5 musical notes which I then use as the basis of a song
  • Use a recorder to play recorded phrases backwards and try to work out a phrase that sounds the same backwards and forwards (I call it a palin-poem)
  • Drip watery paint onto a canvas (or other suitable substrate), work into this and try to “find” images
  • Painting on a mirror to make a “mask” which I then “wear” to take a selfie

He ended suddenly… and randomly…