Warminster Write-Up

—by Hillary Handy

Warminster, Warminster. What can we say about you in this issue of North Simcoe Life? It’s hard to believe we are in 2025. What a time to be alive!

This winter has been strange. The six snow days of December leading into Christmas break were wild. Students were a touch on the squirrely side to begin with, but then were extra rowdy knowing they missed so much of the last few weeks of school in 2024. The school was able to host its annual Holiday Concert. Students were excited to showcase their musical abilities, touching on an assortment of holidays and traditions that occur in December and January. 

The school also hosted a Character Education Assembly, which highlights various traits, aligned with the Seven Grandfather Teachings. Students selected for the traits of Wisdom and Honesty were recognized by their peers as demonstrating one of the traits in a meaningful way.

Looking ahead to what is coming up, School Council has some fundraisers in the works, the most significant of which is the annual Community BBQ and Silent Auction happening on Thursday, June 5 at 5 pm. The following day is a PA Day so this allows for maximum fun to occur. 

At this time, the School Council is beginning to collect donations for the Silent Auction. If you are a small business who is interested in helping out with providing a service, a product or a financial contribution, please connect with me and I will be happy to facilitate that. Send me an email: hillaryhandy@gmail.com. 

School Council also is planning on selling Terra Cotta Cookies in February and Hewitt’s products in March to help with fundraising efforts. So, stay tuned for details on that in What’s Up Warminster, the local Facebook group. 

One school fundraiser which was very successful was the sale of Smencils. Smelly pencils. The novelty buy-in for these was significant. My own children were not immune to the lure of a fruity or festive scented writing utensil. May this translate to increased hand-written work! 

Warminster Soccer is looking for NEW volunteers to help support the administrative and organizational side of the club. If you’re interested, send an email to warminstersoccer@hotmail.com. This local gem of a club is 100% volunteer operated and could use new volunteers to help, otherwise it will not be able to sustain itself. If you have enjoyed seeing your little ones run amuck on Wednesday nights in the summer, it is your time to step up and give back to your community! 

The annual Spring Vendor Market is happening on May 10th from 9 am to 1 pm in the school gymnasium. This is the perfect opportunity to find a gift for mom in time for Mother’s Day! You can then head to Quayles’ Brewery for their annual Outdoor Artisan Spring Market. It’s worth the trip west that weekend for sure! Vendor spots are now available for this market. Please email Rebecca at warminstervendormarket@gmail.com to learn more!

More to come as it happens in Warmie.