Toddler Tourist:

Spring Cleaning With or Without Your Kids

by Hillary Handy

Spring is in the air! We survived a strange winter with uncharacteristic weather and warmer temperatures have us coming alive once more. We have emerged out of hibernation! There is a definite shift in the atmosphere and we can all feel it. Especially kids! This may come in the form of increased energy and higher octane.

Perhaps you have added some organized activities to your child’s social calendar. Or maybe you’re trying to do less and adopt a more minimalist approach to your spring season. Maybe you’re spring cleaning and on the verge of purge because with spring air you have a renewed spirit. That is more my style, if I’m being honest. 

I have been known to throw out many things and have been caught purging and re-organizing even my friends’ closets, pantries and toy boxes..simply because the Type A cannot be tamed. It’s like they want to invite me over, but also not. While you may not be able to categorize yourself into one box or another, I am here to say I am 100% purger. This is both a blessing and a curse because I often am busted, spring cleaning my children’s things.

Art is recycled (sorry hardworking teachers), clothes that no longer fit are rehomed or donated, Happy Meal toys are sent home with friends or the school’s Treasure Box, and toys that haven’t seen much action find a new home. I find that a tidy space allows for more positive mental health. Clutter is known to contribute to chaos. I want my kids to be able to play freely and enjoy the things they have, without being overwhelmed by the sheer volume of consumerism that is instilled in our western-thinking. To be clear, I let my kids play and make messes…but also appreciate everything having a space and knowing where everything is. Ah, the things you have to juggle in parenthood as a recovering perfectionist!

Here are a few tips from the Toddler Tourist and Entourage to help you with your Spring Cleaning and Toy Purging:

  1. Do it when the kids aren’t home. Seriously, I am caught red-handed so many times. This sets you back in your efforts as well as breaks little hearts. I know, it’s awful, but it must be done! Secretly hide toys in the laundry room (because kids won’t look in there) that you haven’t played with in months to ensure they are in fact purgeable, then when the kids aren’t home, find a new home for the toys!
  2. If you want to include your children in the process, set limits. You can have this many toys, as long as they fit in the toy box. One new thing in, one old thing out. You must be able to see the floor. This helps to assign value to the items they do have and appreciate the things they have, instead of just wanting to buy more, more, more and new, new, new!
  3. Bring your children with you to drop off items they no longer play with or wear. Some thrift stores, like the Orillia Thrift Store, do not accept toys, but they will accept clothing. You can also sell their toys on Marketplace and allow them to keep the money in their piggy bank. This shows children how items can find a new home and not everything can just be thrown out. We are so quick to dispose of things and just buy more if we need it. We need to foster a sense of environmentalism, eco-stewardship and accountability in our kids!
  4. Have your children pick out items for friends who are younger than them. Kids will feel special if their friends are wearing their clothing that no longer fits or toys they no longer play with. “This outfit will look so cute on Haven, she loves Cheetah print!”
  5. Watch the Bluey episode of “The Dump”. This shows that parents do feel bad about throwing out old artwork, but illustrates how old artwork can be recycled into new paper, for a new child to enjoy! And while Bluey does question her father’s title of the Best Dad in the World because he disposed of her artwork…we can see that even parents make mistakes and that you can’t keep everything, forever.
  6. Allow kids to do some tasks that are novel and fun, like spraying and wiping windows. Using the squeegee is so fun. Why do they love that? Vacuuming their rooms…chase them with the Vacuum Monster while doing it. Whistle while you work, Snow White!

May you channel your inner Marie Kondo and find out what toys spark joy and which ones make you mental as a parent. All those Easter knickknacks brought by the Easter Bunny, find new homes for them ASAP! Hopefully you will feel refreshed, reorganized and ready to roll this spring.