In The Moment Musings

—by Gail McIlroy

It’s the idle hours that make people sick and often depressed anytime, but especially in holiday seasons. Sleep deprivation is also the enemy. Discipline really is the key. For people without family, it’s important to get connected with groups and organizations. Some suggestions are:

  • Music is always a good source for distraction.
  • Taking a walk in the fresh air.
  • Read a book.
  • Call a friend.
  • Join a book club.

Just do something. You will also be able to inspire others by setting a strong healthy example.  Age is insignificant when it comes to pure enjoyment!

Our energy demands are all different. However, the one thing we can control is being “in the moment” not the past nor the future but the present.

Your community needs you and yes you need them. Laughter really is good medicine, and this is supported by many studies; in addition to proper nutrition and exercise, of course. Should inclement weather get in your way, find an indoor location and keep moving.  If you stop moving, you’ll never start again, and I guarantee your life of fun will decline quicker than you think.

In our local areas the community halls are now being run again by the residents. If you are not sure who to contact in your area ask around (your local council members will also have that information).

Usually hospitals need volunteers: another great way to meet people.

Many of our churches host concerts around the Christmas and spring seasons. If you have young children, it’s easy to meet people if you get involved with the school’s activities. The local community centres and halls offer a multitude of activities (suitable for all ages and skill levels).

It’s always good and therapeutic to volunteer: horse stables, the local SPCA, horticulture groups. Take an art class, which are often held at a community centre, or colleges, or local libraries. There are many bird watching clubs, as well as many clubs for just about everything you might be interested in.

Life is good so let’s celebrate and enjoy!