Summer Information and Updates from Jill Dunlop MPP

As summer blooms across our community, I wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a wonderful and fulfilling season ahead. As your Member of Provincial Parliament, I am thrilled to share some exciting updates from Queen’s Park that will impact our lives in positive ways.

Firstly, with more than 150,000 electric vehicles already on the roads in Ontario, our government is actively working to increase the accessibility of public EV chargers. We’re exploring options like reduced electricity rates for these chargers, ensuring that drivers across the province, including rural areas like ours, have the confidence to transition to cleaner transportation options and utilize our robust clean electricity grid.

Moreover, our province is taking steps to prioritize education and student well-being. After reaching agreements with all teachers’ unions, we are focused on keeping our kids in classrooms and enhancing their learning experiences. Cell phone usage in schools has become a pervasive issue, leading to distractions, bullying, and mental health concerns.

Additionally, Canada has one of the highest vaping rates among youth globally, which is alarming. To address these challenges, we have unveiled a comprehensive plan to reduce distractions and improve health by standardizing policies in schools, combating the rise of vaping, and minimizing cell phone disruptions in classrooms.

Furthermore, we’re investing over $4.1 million in expanding GeriMedRisk, a vital program for seniors with complex medical needs. This initiative facilitates easier access to coordinated care within their communities, allowing seniors to remain at home longer while receiving the support they require. GeriMedRisk connects primary care providers with specialized geriatric teams to develop personalized care plans, ensuring older adults receive the specialized attention they deserve.

As I look ahead to the summer, I eagerly anticipate connecting with communities across Simcoe North and engaging with families at various events and activities. Your ongoing support and engagement are instrumental in shaping a brighter future for all of us.

Wishing you a safe, joyful, and memorable summer season.