The Hill Legacy Lives On: New Ownership Remains a Family Affair for Orillia Landmark Restaurant


Mike and Chris Hill, the new owners of Hill’s Maple Leaf Restaurant
Mike and Chris Hill, the new owners of Hill’s Maple Leaf Restaurant

You can’t contain the anticipation, excitement and family pride of cousins Mike and Chris Hill, the new owners of Hill’s Maple Leaf Restaurant, 181 Memorial Avenue in Orillia. Now in its 97th year as a family-owned business, the restaurant is famous for its welcoming vibe, friendly servers and tasty, home-cooked meals at fair prices.

Food has been in the Hill family’s DNA since 1926 when their great-grandfather, ‘Hot Dog Tom’, started a hot dog stand on Colborne Street and later a restaurant where his children worked. Tom’s descendants continued in the food industry, and in 1981, nephew Tony Hill and his uncle Paul Hill opened the current location. With Tony and Paul now retired, the torch has passed to Mike and Chris.

Six generations of Hills have worked as cooks, servers and dishwashers. Mike and Chris were recruited young. Mike states, “Although we know all the frontline duties, it’s different than actually owning and managing a restaurant.” That’s when a fellow business owner revealed that he launched and financed his restaurant with the help of the Orillia Area Community Development Corp. (CDC), and their BizLink program. “The CDC must have good word of mouth,” says Chris, “because my mortgage broker also urged we contact them.”

Located at 22 Peter Street South, the CDC is the area’s business success centre. Along with their expert advisors and in-depth regional knowledge, the CDC provides counselling, workshops, and funding to help entrepreneurs plan, start, grow, buy and sell their businesses. The CDC’s mission is to develop a strong business community to create a thriving local economy.

Mike states, “The CDC is an invaluable resource. We met with our business consultant every week, and she explained the financial and legal documentation needed to purchase the restaurant.” All the financing was in place within two months, and the cousins can pay off the loan anytime.

“We knew nothing about bookkeeping, payroll deductions, taxes or tracking revenue and expenses,” says Chris. “The CDC provided training and solid business advice to help us operate effectively, including adding additional staff.” Mike and Chris have already hired six new employees with plans to extend the restaurant hours, install a designated take-out entrance and build a comfortable staff room.

The cousins feel they have won the lottery to own this long-standing restaurant. “It’s about being a part of something bigger than I am. I never met my great-grandfather or grandfather, and I know my dad would be over the moon at what is happening,” reveals Mike. “I’ve worked there my whole life,” says Chris, “so it’s a sense of accomplishment to say I own it now.”

“Whether you want to start a new enterprise, grow an existing company or buy a family business, your first step is to contact the professionals at the CDC,” the cousins declare.
Mike and Chris affirm, “When you have the foundational training and support of the CDC, you’re well on your way to building your future success and a legacy for your family.”

Mike and Chris Hill, the new owners of Hill’s Maple Leaf Restaurant
Mike and Chris Hill, the new owners of Hill’s Maple Leaf Restaurant