Warminster Write-Up

—by Hillary Handy

It feels like school just was let out for the summer and now we are inching closer to fall. How does that even happen? 

There were lots of fun activities that happened at Warminster Elementary before the school year wrapped up. Here are some highlights.

Students enjoyed the annual Community BBQ and Silent Auction. After expenses and all costs, the school fundraised $4500 which will be used for technology purchases, school-yard enhancements, the arts and classroom needs. Many thanks to the School Council for all their hard work in organizing, community partners like the OPP and Oro-Medonte Emergency & Fire Services for attending, as well as the Coldwater Lions Club for firing up the BBQ!

There was also the annual Play Day and a celebration of Rare Chromosome Day, filled with outdoor learning and fun activities.

Some classes also enjoyed an outdoor learning opportunity in conjunction with the FarmLab program at Lakehead University and the SCDSB Indigenous Education Team, where students were able to learn about the local flora and plants with a purpose, as well do some gardening on-site and at home.

Our Grade 8s graduated and are onto high school adventures! We are so proud of them and all their hard work to get to this point. The future is bright with this bunch! It was also a bit of a sad time as we extended retirement wishes to Mrs. Jennifer Alexander, who supported students in a variety of grades, but primarily Kindergarten, for the last 25 years! She will surely be missed but the community at large is thankful for her long standing career and positive impact she has left behind. Enjoy your new adventures ahead Mrs. Alexander! 

The Warminster Wide Garage Sale was a big hit! Lots of fun and interesting things were for sale because one man’s junk is another man’s treasure. Thanks to those who participated and to the organizers for making it happen! 

Soccer season is soon coming to a close. The kids had a blast and it truly was a community effort. Volunteers make the world go round and this would not be possible without the administrative team as well as the coaches who offered their time and talent to teach our kids. Thank you, Warminster Soccer Club! 

We are still waiting for the installation of our promised “fully funded” Traffic Light (Intersection Pedestrian Signal) at the 4-Corners of Warminster from April 2023…and that’s all I will say about that. You know I’ll be the first to report once that thing is in motion!

There are also rumblings of a sidewalk feature on parts of Warminster Side Road and more housing development happening on the school-side of Highway 12. Change is hard, but change is good. We shall see what transpires in the next little bit.

Until then, enjoy the final weeks of summer because school will be back in session before we know it!