North Simcoe life
New Format Just in Time for Springtime

by Anna Proctor

Well folks it’s officially spring, according to the calendar, and, unusually for our neck of the woods, the weather. As a spring and summer lover, I can attest I am loving this no snow, early spring.

Birds are singing, ice is retreating or gone, crocuses are popping up, and the April/May Springtime issue of North Simcoe life is in your hands, just in time!

Exciting news starting with this issue! We have a new format! And we are much more Google-able…is that even a word? If you normally read North Simcoe life on a desktop or laptop computer, you might not even notice a difference. But, if you normally read it, or try to, on a tablet or cell phone…your experience is about to get a whole lot better.

Our new format is fully adaptive and responsive, so it will read very clearly on all devices! Hooray! No more zooming in and swooping around, trying to read on a small screen. We made this change for you, our readers, and also for future readers, our advertisers, and everyone who enjoys our content. You are welcome!

This issue features lots of community events and information, our coming events section, lots of beautiful photos and artwork. Also, updates about a new cidery in the area, and a new book being published by a local author. As well, gardening updates, spring cleaning with (or without) your kids, updates on the Couchiching Conservancy and World Fiddle Day. And, a new Community Hero!

We love putting together each issue of North Simcoe life to give you, our loyal and our new readers, all the community updates and information you need and want!

Enjoy this new format, and the Springtime issue of North Simcoe life. Thanks for being part of our community!

background photo by Deb Halbot

North Simcoe life acknowledges that we are situated on the traditional land of the Anishnaabeg people.

The Anishnaabe include the Ojibwe, Odawa, and Pottawatomi nations, collectively known as the Three Fires Confederacy.

We are dedicated to honouring Indigenous history and culture and committed to moving forward in the spirit of reconciliation and respect wth all First Nation, Métis and Inuit people.