Community Hero:


—by Hillary Handy

Our community is so blessed to have some incredible members who do remarkable things. Thus far, we have told the stories of adults who have an extensive resume and significant community involvement over time. We love that and are proud of their contributions in making our community even better! But what about our little ones in the community? In this issue, we want to share the story of a young child who is already making waves at her very young age. 

Meet Rylin. She is 7 years old and lives in the Washago area with her dad, mom and brother, Connor. Rylin is a very special girl. When you meet her, you can’t help but smile. She is adorable and has a coyness about her that draws you in. She is both sweet and spicy and anyone who knows her is beyond blessed. She loves to swim. She enjoys trampolining, playing in the sand and playing with her brother. Rylin has had quite the journey to lead her to where she is now, but she is ready to tackle Grade 2 this school year with some new supports in place.

Rylin has an Autism diagnosis, hearing loss, and a seizure disorder. She recently received another diagnosis of Primrose Syndrome which is a very rare genetic condition. Her diagnoses do not define her, but help to shape an understanding of how unique and special she is.

She is non-verbal and has explored a variety of techniques to communicate. The best fit for her seems to be with the use of an augmentative and alternative communication device. This summer, she was nominated for the RE/MAX Enterprises and RE/MAX Specialists Miracle Golf Day tournament where enough funds were raised to allow her communication device to be fully funded. This is a huge step forward in allowing Rylin the independence to navigate her world. 

This device has a specialized case with amplification built in to accommodate her hearing loss. It will allow her to communicate with her family, her peers and her educational assistant and teachers at school. With communication supports, Rylin will be able to share her thoughts and feelings.

The complexity of her multiple diagnoses has proven to be challenging thus far, but Rylin is a trooper. She is brave. It’s not easy to go to many appointments and specialists, have bloodwork done, and the whole gamut of things that come with childhood to begin with. But she does it! She reminds us of the strength of family.

Rylin has a wonderful family who work together to help her thrive in the community. She helps us understand the intricacy of comorbidity in diagnoses and how, with proper supports and help, we can all move forward to live our best lives. She is working alongside many professionals to achieve her goals and meet her full potential.

Rylin helps her peers understand special needs and exceptionalities. She has exposed them to sign language, different types of communication, sensory strategies and techniques. In these early years of education, children learn how to be human. Rylin helps her friends to learn compassion and understand equity and inclusion, in a world that is often very unfair.

Rylin reminds us all about the power of perseverance. She has overcome so many challenges in her seven years of life, but she is learning and growing every day. We can see her strength so clearly. For these reasons and more, North Simcoe Life recognizes Rylin as this issue’s Community Hero!

If you know someone pretty great, of any age, send us an email to nominate them as our next Community Hero: